Need a Birth Certificate?

Need a Birth Certificate?

Couple and child using computer.

Need a Birth Certificate?

Let's get started.

Learn what you'll need to order an official birth certificate.

  • Full Name & Date of Birth - The person's complete name and date of birth as expected on the certificate.
  • Place of Birth - City, state, and sometimes county where the birth occurred.
  • Parent(s) Name(s) - Full legal names of the parent(s) listed on the certificate.
  • Self-identification & Proof of Relationship - This is usually verified electronically, but you may need to submit a valid ID or other documents to prove your relationship if electronic verification is not possible.
  • Payment Method - Credit card or other accepted forms of payment.

Understand what information is included in the official document and its legal uses.

  • Personal Details - Full name, date of birth, and place of birth of the individual.
  • Parent Information - Names of both parents (if listed), including mother's maiden name.
  • Official Seal - Certified government seal ensuring authenticity.
  • Vital Statistics (available at the discretion of the vital record agency) - Birth weight, length, and time of birth.
  • Legal Uses - Identity verification, driver's license, passports, school enrollment, and obtaining Social Security benefits (unless otherwise specified).

Discover the steps involved in ordering a birth certificate.

  • Complete the Application - Fill out the online form with details such as the name, date of birth, and parents' names.
  • Make Payment - Pay using a secure payment method.
  • Verify Identity - Follow our secure identity verification process to confirm your eligibility.
  • Government Processing - The government vital records agency processes your request. Certificate delivery times vary by agency and is not controlled by VitalChek.
  • Receive Certificate - The government vital records agency ships the certified birth certificate to you (unless non-certified certificate was ordered).

How VitalChek Works

Step 1

Fill out our form online.

It should only take 5-10 minutes to complete.
No hidden fees and secure communication at every step.

Start with our simple online form.

Obtain your vital records with our user-friendly online form. Completing the form should take between 5-10 minutes. Our secured forms protect personal information at every step, from your home directly to the government agency.

  • Fast Application Process
  • Clear Pricing
Step 2

VitalChek validates your request.

Electronic identity validation protocols are sufficient for most orders. No unauthorized parties can see your personal information.

After submitting your application, VitalChek ensures the accuracy of your request through a secure validation process. We use LexisNexis© technology for electronic identity verification on most orders, which helps confirm your identity quickly and securely. This efficient process safeguards your personal information, ensuring that it remains confidential and is only accessible to authorized personnel handling your order.

Step 3

The government agency does their job.

VitalChek is the exclusive online partner of over 450 governing agencies. Your certificate will be printed and shipped directly from the appropriate government location.

After your application is validated, the appropriate government agency will handle your request via our PCI-compliant security standards, which include stringent data security audits. As the exclusive online partner for over 450 vital record agencies, we ensure your official certificates are processed efficiently and securely.

Your official record is printed and shipped directly from the authorized government location, ensuring its authenticity and quick delivery. This step guarantees that you receive your vital record from the authoritative source without unnecessary delays, reinforcing our commitment to efficiency and reliability.

Step 4

Your order is shipped to you.

Your order is shipped directly from the agency to you. Next-day shipping allows you to track your package from the agency to your door.

Get your document as quickly as possible.

Your order is shipped directly from the agency to you. Although other shipping methods are available, our recommended next-day shipping rates are about 50% cheaper than standard overnight shipping and allows you to track your order as soon as the agency's work is complete and the official document is packaged for delivery.

See pricing and timing >

What Do You Need?

To complete your order smoothly, please have the following information ready:

Personal Details

Full name, date of birth and place of birth.

  • Identification:
    Not all orders require this, but you may need a valid government-issued ID (e.g., driver's license, passport).
  • Proof of Entitlement:
    Occasionally, we'll need documentation proving your right to access the certificate.
  • Payment Method:
    Credit or debit card.

Certificados de Nacimiento

Our vital records are certified official documents provided directly by government agencies.

Here's what you can expect on your certificate:

  • Accurate and Up-to-date Information:
    All data is verified to ensure accuracy.
  • Official Seal and Signatures:
    Each certificate is legally recognized and comes with official seals and signatures directly from the government agency. These can be used for drivers licenses, insurance, travel benefits and more.
  • Secure and Confidential:
    Your personal information is handled with the highest security and confidentiality.

Solicite un certificado de nacimiento oficial

VitalChek se ha asociado con agencias de registros vitales dentro de los Estados Unidos para brindarle la capacidad de solicitar los documentos que necesite.

¿Necesita un certificado diferente?

También podemos ayudarle a obtener sus Defunción, Matrimonio, Divorcio certificados. También podemos ayudarle si necesita certificados de otros estados. Haga clic aquí para comenzar.

Tenemos relaciones directas con organismos gubernamentales estatales y locales en los Estados Unidos.

Eso significa que podemos procesar su solicitud de manera rápida, asequible y segura. Lo único más rápido es hacerlo en persona, pero eso no siempre es posible o conveniente y es por eso que estamos aquí.

Con experiencia





Cientos de agencias gubernamentales de todo el país confían exclusivamente en VitalChek por aceptar sus pedidos de certificados de nacimientos y otros registros vitales.

Nuestro sencillo proceso de solicitud le ayudará a encontrar la agencia y el certificado adecuados para sus necesidades específicas.

¿Por qué debería confiar en VitalChek?

4 million
vital documents processed per year

More than 35 years
of experience

compliance with the highest level PCI standards to protect your personal information